Saturday, June 30, 2007

Our Wiki Space

We have just started a wiki space for our class.

This blog is a place to comment on all the things in the wiki as well as a place to talk about all the exciting things we do in class.The first thing to talk about is our last unit on SPACE!We put our Aliens up on the wiki for everyone to see. Aren't they great!

Well your teachers want to know Year 4,
What was the best thing about the Space unit?
Was there anything you did not like?
What would you suggest we put in the unit for next year?

Please click on the 'comment' link at the end of this post and let us know. Remember your internet safety rules, only first names please and don't forget to spell check your work (or get someone to help you) before you send your comment.

We are looking forward to hearing from you,
Mrs M & Mrs Mi !!!!!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed doing research in groups because it was fun and we got to talk about the planet. I also enjoyed making the paper mache because we got to make lots of mess with the glue and we got to talk about what planet we were going to paint. The comets were also fun because we got to prick the comet onto the paper. The milky ways were awesome because they look great and they were great to make. I loved making the aliens because we got to get all dirty with the glue and paint. It was great being able to just talk and talk and talk.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your opinions Emma!
I am not surprised that you liked talking!

Anonymous said...

Angela said
I enjoyed Researching the planets because you could tell your friends about your planet and it was fun. I also enjoyed making the paper mache
because It was very messy and I like mess and I did not like paper
mache because the glue looked yuk. The space aliens were fun because when we finished there was a huge
mess. I also liked The milky way because we used gold and silver glitter. I think for next year they should have the
same kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed learning about the planets and going into 4 reds class so mrs button could help us . I enjoyed making the paper mashe because we got to see what it would turn out like.I recon for next year you should get a round ball and than get little foam balls and do a diagram of the solar system. ( PS. Mrs M when i got on to the alien wikispaces it only came up the writingNOT the picture can you help me ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Brianna I'll check the page....did we have your photo? Maybe that was the problem? Anyway, I'll see what I can do

Anonymous said...

I liked looking at other people's aliens and seeing mine. I also liked reading my story and other people's to my family. I tried to send it the first time but it said I had to put in a password so I put in Eliza as the username and Then put in a password it took Eliza as the Username but not the password.........

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed checking out the 4Blue website. I loved the crazy aliens and thought some of them reminded me of people I knew.
Jo (Eliza's mum)

Anonymous said...

I like all of them but my fauourite one was my siter Eliza's. i like Emmas because of it funny eyes.

Anonymous said...

Eliza you should not need a user name to comment on a post. Remember to click on 'other' when choosing an identity in the comment page and then you won't have to post as anonymous.

....I'm glad you read your work to your family. Isn't it great to be able to share it in this way

Anonymous said...

Don't forget everyone to comment on the questions I posted on our blog. Remember that we practised typing comments in 'Word' ready to spell check and put onto the blog this week. Your technology lesson on Thursday will bbe a great time to put these up

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed doing the space unit and I'm looking foward to the British Colonisation unit this term. I liked watching the video at the Library except I didn't like it when the people got hung!! Looking forward to this term

Anonymous said...

I really wish that the teachers next year would do the paper mache' with thee class'. I also thonk the alien's were a good idea.
Keep on rockin'!!!


Anonymous said...

i REALLY loved the paper mache because you get all messy and you feel really old because the glue dries up on your fingers and you feel all rinkley.
I liked the comets aswell because we go to pin prick the comets and they looked awsome hanging up on the window!!
I liked the speeches the most because you get to make planets out of potatoes and i'm surprised that the potatoes didn't grow!!!
I liked speeches because you get to talk FOREVER!!!!!!
From Ashleigh

Anonymous said...

The work you have completed in the Space unit throughout Term 2 shows that you have learnt much about our planet. Your aliens look great! Well done Year 4.

Anonymous said...

During the space unit I have really enjoyed making our paper Mache’s. I liked it because I got to do something different other than always painting. I also liked it because you got to get all glue all over your hands and the best thing is that you get to peel all the sticky glue off your sticky hands. I also liked researching about a planet. I liked it because, first I didn’t know anything about the planet and then when I researched I knew a lot about it. Once we researched our planet and got it checked by the teacher we got to type it up on the computer. The thing I liked the best about our space unit was researching about a planet and we got to present in any way we liked. I presented by putting my information on cardboard. I liked it because you got to use your brain and think hard. I liked it because you got to be creative and use all different kinds of tools. After we finished our projects we had to say a speech about the planet. I researched the planet Jupiter. Natalie

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed making the alien because we were making it from scratch. What I didn’t like about it was change Things a lot.

Anonymous said...

In the space unit I enjoyed doing our projects. The thing I liked best about it was researching the planet I chose. I liked thinking about what I was going to use. I also liked paper mache I liked getting all messy and getting my hands all gooey. When we were finished there was a huge mess. I also liked using the glitter for the Milky Way. The thing I like best was researching in class.

Anonymous said...

What I enjoyed is working as a team to find information about space and share ideas around. Also I like designing the alien scratch and making a big mess

Anonymous said...

I liked when we did our speech and when we did our
Milky Way because we used silver and gold glitter.

Anonymous said...

I like learning about planets of our own choice I also liked making aliens because you got to see what types of material stuck to each other. I didn’t really like doing the paper mache because my balloon went down and the paper sank.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed when we did our paper Mache. We used Flour and water to make glue to stick the newspaper. After 4 layers the next week we got to paint it the planet you wanted it to be. I also enjoyed when we got to make our aliens and put it all together and see everybody’s alien. It was really fun when we got to make the galaxy with all the silver and gold glitter. I liked when we got to make the comets with the pin. It was really fun when we did space.

Anonymous said...

My favourite part in making the alien was when we got to make the parts for the alien and paint it. And to put them on the internet .

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing in the space unit was the paper mache because I liked when we got glue stack on our hands and you had to scratch it off, all so I liked making the alien because we got to do it with boxes, straws and all sorts of staff. I liked saying out the speech out loud the class and my project was great because it was decorated on every page and I did Appearance, Structure, Landforms, Gravity, Distance from the sun, Atmosphere, Could humans live there, Size, Trip to Neptune and there was more.

I didn’t like the paper mache because the balloon popped and when it dried up it had a big dint in it and I did mars.

I want to start all over again.

Anonymous said...

In class I enjoyed making my paper mache. I enjoyed it because it was a messy job and I like getting messy. It was the planet Saturn. It was fun when we got to paint the planets.
I enjoyed making the aliens. I enjoyed making the space aliens because it was very messy. When we were finished they looked good.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed making the aliens because we could use craft stuff. I enjoyed doing the projects because lots of stuff to look at. I liked paper mache because we got to use a lot of glue and paper.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed making the aliens because we were able to put any thing any where we wanted to. Also we were able to make a BIG mess with the aliens and paper mache.

Anonymous said...

The researching of the planets at home and school was really fun beacause we got to preasent our project and it was really funny when Mark did his demo of Hailys commet. Also it was a bit GROSS when we did the paper mache. Fr next year I reacon we should do the space stuff agian.

Anonymous said...

mrs m
bianna g and i did a comment but it hasn't come up yet.
please help

Anonymous said...

I like when we got to research the planet any time we want on the internet. I liked it when we had to do our speeches. it was fun we got to do our comets because when we hang them up they look heaps good. i loved doing our paper mache becauce i all covered with glue. and i coudn't wait what the paper mache would look when i was finished.

Anonymous said...

Well Year 4,
I think the the things you enjoyed doing the most, were the things that made the most mess!!!
...Only joking!!!

You have listed many things from the space unit that were fun to do. Many of the things involved 'creating' something that showed your learning. This is important to remember. I think we often enjoy doing things that allow us to use the information we've learnt and show it in our own special ways. Well done Year 4 on some great learning in this unit.

Anonymous said...

ET- all our comments are moderated-that means that they are checked before they are posted. It is not often that a comment is not published. Although any comments that have something that concerns us- for example the person has used their full name when signing off, or the spelling or sentence structure seems to have been REALLY rushed,(we allow minor mistakes), or the comment is not appropriate, then these comments don't go through.

We always have to remember, that our blog is on the internet. Potentially there are many people who could view it. We need to always remember our internet safety, as well as to respect ourselves and our audience. By publishing work that is generally well spelt and thought out, we are putting forward our best efforts. Having the comments moderated allows for someone else to check, and it also makes sure that our blog is used in the right way for the people it was intended to be used by.

We'll try and let you know why a comment was not posted so you get the chance to go over it.

Anonymous said...

i recon next year we should do the same thing all over again because it was fun. i also9 think we should make some other things and put them up on the internet.

Anonymous said...

i liked learning about space and my favourite planets where pluto,uranus and venus. i made uranus for my paper mache and i enjoyed doing it.

Anonymous said...

i liked learning about space and my favourite planets where pluto,uranus and venus. i made uranus for my paper mache and i enjoyed doing it.

Anonymous said...

I loved making our aliens and making the planets of the solar system

And it was also fun doing the paper Mache

IT WAS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!